Here we go again

Here we go again

Sep 1, 2015. | By: Ashley

Despite being a small company, I’m happy to take on multiple work streams. Several years of various agile environments has given me a real insight into how to manage multiple work streams.

I’m still primarily an engineer.

So apart from my first work stream developing for Sky’s new OTT video backend, I need to develop a company site and brand.

Tracy chose the name ‘Belle Software’ after our Labradoodle puppy and we agreed it fitted the bill.

####Choosing a website technology

I need to advertise my wares (ok… services) but there’s a point. However I also want to consolidate and practice what I have learned about site manangement.

  • I want to steer clear of dynamic or CMS-driven - they’re hard work and fragile. Having a database is millstone, even if it’s wrapping in a CMS.
  • Version Control (VCS) is essential.
  • A client framework is essential to making the site usable across platforms. I cut my teeth on Twitter Bootstrap recently so that’s what I’d like to stick with for now.
  • The logic choice for many devs in my position is Jekyll, despite many carps about its limitations. I can also make use of linked with a custom domain.
  • Other people are better at site design that me - I’m good at reusing and repurposing.

I found a gem in a Jekyll port of the Solid theme.


Belle Software and predecessors have been providing Java and Perl software and architecture in various guises since 1995.

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